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It’s justifiable if it does not come in way of development

Main criteria to implement reservation is economic status of peopleof people

-A Krishna Reddy, Chief Mentor, APPUSMA, Visakhapatnam

It’s justifiable if it does not come in way of development

9 Aug 2024 8:35 AM GMT

At outset, I wish to say that reservation is a very sensitive word, as far as reservations to local people in private sector is concerned, it should be handled in a right way as it has long lasting implications on the future and economy of the nation. Implementation of reservation may be viewed in different angles. Government extends some benefits to private sector to implement reservations to local people. Private sector can get some exemptions and can run their establishments with ease. These exemptions benefit both local people as well as private sector. But as mentioned above, reservation has a long lasting effect on the quality of product that comes from private sector. Keeping this in view, reservations should be implemented with precision. In my view, the main criterion to implement reservation is economic status of people and their eligibility. There should be no compromise in this vital aspect. Reservation to local people is justifiable as long as they do not come in the way of nation’s development and economy.

The Congress government in Karnataka shocked the corporates by announcing reservations for local people in private jobs recently. But it went back on this after corporates including IT industry body Nasscom opposed it. But way back in 2019, the YSRCP government in Andhra Pradesh enacted a law, reserving 75 per cent jobs in private sector to locals. But Nara Lokesh, the new IT Minister of AP, invited corporates from Bengaluru to come to Andhra Pradesh if they are not happy with local quota in Karnataka. In this backdrop, Bizz Buzz is carrying opinions of corporate leaders and businesspersons whether local quota in private jobs is justifiable.

Reservation in Private Sector Local People Reservation Economic Implications Government Benefits Private Sector Exemptions Quality of Products Economic Status Criteria Eligibility for Reservation Impact on Nation's Development Precision in Implementation 
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